the unkempt herald

Everyone goggled in disbelief as the herald struggled to rein in his disfigured horse. With only one leg, the horse had hopped from Sri Lanka to the Netherlands. Throwing this exhausted horse to the ground where it instantly expired, the herald proclaimed, “an urgent message for the Commander at Andalusia”.

Some people muttered in whatever language they speak in Holland, “you would be fortunate indeed to get a message to Andalusia from this place, unless you have wings to fly like a bat, because we don’t know where Andalusia is and we care nothing what may happen there, besides which we care nothing for you.”

This is typical of the Dutch. They see a miracle, and they would much rather see a chicken try to climb up on an orange barrel. That would be pretty entertaining. Heralds come up seven or even eight or nine times a day; heralds are generally disliked.

Chickens, on the other hand, produce eggs. The Green Mountain Boys didn’t bother with eggs; they took delicious beef jerky. What they didn’t know is a subject for another time.

The main thing to remember is, everyone goggled in disbelief. Thank you. This is important.